Dermacol Makeup Cover 222


222 Хамгийн бор суурьтай крем

DERMACOL MAKE-UP COVER шингэн энгэсэг нь арьсны бүхий л өө сэвийг төгс байдлаар шийдэж өгдөг. Нүдний доорх тойрог, толбо, арьсны өө сэвийг төгс байдлаар арилгаж арьсыг бүхлээр нь гэрэлтсэн өнгөлөг харагдуулж цайруулах, гэрэл сүүдэр тавих, арьсны тэнцвэртэй байдлыг баталгаажуулаж нарийн үрчлээсийг хүртэл далдлах чадвартай. 

Энэхүү кремийг Холлевүүдийн одод өдөр дутамд төдийгүй кино зураг авалтын үед мөн загварийн болон тайз дэлгэцийн гэх мэт төрөл бүрийн үйл ажиллагааны үед өргөн хэрэглэсээр иржээ.


▪️30 мл SPF 30 Нарны хамгаалалттай

▪️Усны хамгаалалттай

▪️Химийн найрлага агуулаагүй

▪️Бүх төрлийн арьсанд зориулагдсан

▪️1ш крем дунджаар бүтэн жилийн хэрэглээ



Legendary high covering make-up

Shade description:

▪️golden dark beige with reddish undertone

▪️Tone of the shade: Warm

▪️Skin type: For medium to dark skin




For all skin types

SPF 30

Preservative free

COVERAGE: Full (extreme)

The clinically tested, extreme covering Make up Cover was created as the first of its kind in Europe and one of the first in the world. The license for this foundation was eventually sold to Hollywood. It contains 50% pigments, which makes it a weapon against skin imperfections. DERMACOL MAKE-UP COVER provides PERFECT COVERAGE even in thin layers and is the perfect corrector for dark under-eye, unpleasant spots and skin blemishes. It completely covers acne, loss of pigmentation, post surgical bruising, tattoos etc. It may be used on the entire face or body for color correction, darkening or lightening the skin tones, and ensuring ideal balance. It is widely used as a professional make-up for photo or film shoots, modeling and for festive occasions.


Choose the right color shade for your skin. Gently tap the make-up onto your skin with either your fingers or with a damped make-up sponge. Apply the Dermacol Make-up Cover gradually by first using a small quantity and then add as needed until all skin problems are covered. (the Make-up Cover has a rich consistency and provides extreme coverage. Therefore, it is important to apply the make-up evenly).


Dermacol Make-up Cover provides outstanding coverage with a natural looking finish for your entire face and body. Your skin will be well balanced and have a velvety matte appearance.




Legendary high-covering foundation since 1966!

The clinically tested, extreme covering Make-up Cover was created as the first of its kind in Europe and one of the first in the world. The license for this foundation was eventually sold to Hollywood. It contains 50% pigments, which makes it a weapon against skin imperfections. 

DERMACOL MAKE-UP COVER provides PERFECT COVERAGE even in thin layers and is the perfect corrector for dark under-eye, unpleasant spots and skin blemishes. It completely covers acne, loss of pigmentation, post surgical bruising, tattoos etc. It may be used on the entire face or body for color correction, darkening or lightening the skin tones, and ensuring ideal balance. It is widely used as a professional make-up for photo or film shoots, modeling and for festive occasions.
